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About this Tool
Tool Type:
5 min read
Published on
May 15, 2023

Harness AI-driven insights with seamless, adaptive user feedback integration

Revolutionize Your User Feedback Experience with Portals

Seamlessly gather and delve into the minds of your users with Portals, the cutting-edge JavaScript widget designed to transform the way you collect feedback. Through the power of AI, Portals offers an interactive dialogue with users, probing deeper with intelligent follow-up questions to uncover the genuine insights that traditional feedback tools miss.

Engage Like Never Before

Portals reimagines user engagement by providing an experience that mimics a one-on-one conversation with a skilled user researcher. It extends beyond passive surveys and forms, actively adapting to each response, ensuring that every piece of feedback is as valuable as possible.

Key Features
  • Intelligent AI-driven questioning to explore user comments in depth
  • Real-time adaptive feedback that responds to user input dynamically
  • Seamless JavaScript widget integration into any webpage
  • User-friendly interface that encourages more interaction and participation
  • Advanced analytics to interpret and organize feedback efficiently

Uncover Deep Insights Across Various Scenarios

Imagine a tool so intuitive, it can be employed across a multitude of environments - from e-commerce sites seeking customer opinions on products, to tech companies testing user experience on new software. Portals serves as the ultimate assistive technology to hone in on what your users truly think and feel.

Maximize Product Development

Use Portals during early product testing phases to gain invaluable feedback that can shape development, ensuring the final product meets and exceeds user expectations. Or deploy it post-launch to continually improve and innovate based on real-time user data.

Enhance User Satisfaction

By showing your users that their opinions are not just heard, but are also explored and valued, Portals can significantly boost user satisfaction and loyalty. The widget allows users to feel a part of the developmental process, fostering a strong community around your brand.

Advanced Features for Comprehensive Feedback Management

Portals doesn't just collect feedback; it offers a suite of tools to analyze and act upon the data. Advanced analytics allow you to sift through feedback efficiently, while the customization options ensure that Portals integrates perfectly with your brand's voice and style.

Customizable to Align with Your Brand

Every brand is unique, and Portals can be tailored to match your brand’s aesthetics and tone. This customization promotes a seamless user experience that feels intrinsic to your website or product.

Backed by Robust Security

Data security is paramount, and Portals is designed with that in mind. Rest assured that the feedback you receive is managed with the highest standards of privacy and security, safeguarding both your users' data and your proprietary insights.
