Prompt Genie optimizes ChatGPT prompts to unlock more helpful, nuanced responses from the AI.
Prompt Genie
About this Tool
Published on
April 28, 2023
What is
Prompt Genie
Prompt Genie acts as an AI assistant that enhances basic prompts to unlock more advanced capabilities within conversational systems. By optimizing prompt phrasing and structure, it enables users to tap into deeper levels of knowledge and reasoning. The tool streamlines prompt engineering so anyone can elicit thoughtful, high-quality responses without needing expertise in crafting specialized queries. Ultimately, Prompt Genie makes AI more intuitive and empowering for humans to use toward creative and productive ends.
Prompt Genie
Key Features
- Generate more effective prompts instantly to get better ChatGPT results
- Specifically optimized to enhance ChatGPT's capabilities and performance
- Intuitive interface for a smooth, seamless experience
Pricing Model
Paid, $3.99/mo